at Café Niederegger

Tortenaufleger der Nostalgiedose im Niederegger Vintage Design

A warm welcome to the Niederegger Marzipan Museum on the 2nd floor of Café Niederegger. The Marzipan Museum retraces the centuries-long journey of the almond delicacy from its Oriental origins to this Hanseatic town on the River Trave.

The main attraction of the Marzipan Museum is a collection of twelve life-sized statues made of marzipan, including Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen, Thomas Mann and Wolfgang Joop – all of them fans of our famous Niederegger marzipan. The Marzipan Museum tells how marzipan is thought to have originated as well as depicting the history of the Niederegger marzipan company and showing a wonderful film about the manufacture of Niederegger marzipan.

You are welcome to visit the Marzipan Museum any time during opening hours. Entry is free of charge.

Altes Segelschiff aus Marzipan, welches im Niederegger Museum steht
Innenansicht des Niederegger Marzipanmuseums. An der roten Wand hängen verschiedene Ausstellungsstücke mit Sitzgelegenheiten davor.


The Marzipan Museum on the 2nd floor retraces the centuries-long journey of the almond delicacy from its Oriental origins to this Hanseatic town on the River Trave.

Altes Dokument aus dem Niederegger Marzipanmuseum
Original Niederegger recipe dating back to 1806
Innenansicht des Niederegger Marzipanmuseums
The Almond Column – the history of the almond
Innenansicht des Niederegger Marzipanmuseums
The Sugar Column – the history of sugar
Zwölf lebensgroße Figuren aus Marzipan geformt, die im Niederegger Marzipanmuseum stehen.
Figures from various periods of history sculpted out of marzipan